Dealing with a JSON network response in iOS projects used to be a pain - you would have to manually parse the response, extract the required values, ignore those that weren't needed, and build your model instances 🤮. Then came along `Codable` and all that changed.…
UIAlertController alerts form the backbone of a lot of the interactions between our users and our apps. While there have been some changes to alerts over the years, very little has changed about their appearance or our ability to customise that appearance - this causes for app designers pain 😱…
Being British, queuing is essential to me. I take every opportunity I can get to queue: posting a package ✅, fleeing a burning building ✅, etc. So every time I need to present a sequence of alerts, I come up against the uncomfortable truth that UIAlertController doesn't care about queuing 😔…
Many of us feel nervous when meeting a group of people for the first time. What are the dynamics of the group, what are the in-jokes, will I find common ground with someone - are just a few questions that can plague you…
There are very few certainties in app development, but one is that once your app is released it will change in unexpected ways. And no matter how flexible your architecture is, inevitably one of those changes will be a breaking change…
In our day-to-day life, dates are pretty straight forward - we read them all the time, make plans around them, and share them with other people. Apart from the occasional missed birthday party all of these date-based tasks go surprisingly smoothly - which is remarkable…
Ask any iOS developer about DateFormatter and one of the first things you will hear is that creating a DateFormatter instance is an expensive operation. The second thing you will hear is that after creating one you need to cache it…
Networking is central to how most apps add value to their users which is why significant effort has been put into creating an easy to use networking layer by both Apple and the open-source community…
In iOS we can use background-transfers to extend the life of our downloads and upload beyond the lifespan of the app and so offer our users a better experience using a background URLSession.…