UIAlertController alerts form the backbone of a lot of the interactions between our users and our apps. While there have been some changes to alerts over the years, very little has changed about their appearance or our ability to customise that appearance - this causes for app designers pain 😱…
22 posts with this tag
Being British, queuing is essential to me. I take every opportunity I can get to queue: posting a package ✅, fleeing a burning building ✅, etc. So every time I need to present a sequence of alerts, I come up against the uncomfortable truth that UIAlertController doesn't care about queuing 😔…
Recently, I've been experiencing the iOS equivalent of the movie Inception - putting a collection view inside a collection view…
Every app has at least one flow - a sequence of screens that allow the user to complete a given task, i.e. read a news article, post a status update, favourite a photo, etc. Most apps have multiple flows…
Growing up I watched a lot of Hollywood movies that involved some sort of computing and while some of those portrays left a lot to be desired in terms of realism, one common theme in those movies was what I call ghost typing 👻…
The other day I was developing a dictionary view controller that consisted of a UITableView and an NSArray (approx. 4000 elements) holding the data to be shown. As the elements were of varying lengths I had implemented the delegate method: - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableViewheightForRowA…
I ran across the scenario where I wanted to disable the paste functionality on some textfield in my application. I've did this many times before and quickly added the following method to my viewcontroller: -(BOOL)canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender { if ([UIMenuController sh…
I found it surprisingly tricky to track down how to hide the tabbar on certain view controllers without ending up with a white area where the tabbar would have been. What you need to do is set the tabbar hidden property on the UIViewController you are about to push rather than on the UITabbarControl…
I ran into this problem were I could not get a bundle image to appear in a UIWebView. It turns out that in order to enable this functionality you need to tell the webview where to look for these images, in the below example we tell it to use the main bundle: NSString *bundlePath = [[NSBundle mainB…