Adding search functionality to your UITableView can be achieved using the built in UISearchBar object and implementing the UISearchBarDelegate protocol. I am going to take us through an example that searches an Article instances (data object) properties for the users entered search string, displayin…
William Boles
William has been an iOS developer since 2010, after all these years he just hopes that the String API will stop changing now.
In iOS there are two ways to support multi-threading in your app: subclass NSOperation [] or use the more specialised NSInvocationOperation […
Recently on an application I came across an issue where when I showed a UIPickerView inside an action sheet the bottom half(ish) of the pickerview wasn't selectable. I had came across this before when showing buttons in an UIActionSheet and had overcome it by moving the button slightly higher…
To retrieve the properties for an object, you use: unsigned int outCount; objc_property_t *propList = class_copyPropertyList([objectToInspect class], &outCount); propList will contain an array of the properties found inside objectToInspect, with outCount containing the total number of properti…
A function is a section of code that is called by name. It can be passed data to operate on and can optionally return data. All data that is passed to a function is explicitly passed. A method is a section of code that is called by name that is associated with an object. The key differences betwee…
Due to Apple only allowing one member of an enterprise account to hold the role of Team Agent and that user having their certificate associated with that accounts distribution certificate, if you want to have multiple machines capable of signing a build with that distribution certificate we need a w…
I wrote this custom cell that ultimately was axed because it didn't fit into the UI that was later revised. I thought it was a shame to waste it so here it is in the full. It works by allowing you to define how buttons should appear in a cell, each is given an equal size and spacing is worked o…
"How do you move from one tab to another programmatically?" This is a question that always seems to crop up and it turns out the answer to that question is a single line of code: self.tabBarController.selectedIndex = 6; Changing the selectedIndex value on a UITabBarController will cause…
Having set myself up as the Team Agent on an enterprise account I was then tasked with creating .ipa files so our "in-progress" applications could be seen and played around with by the senior executives in the project. I followed the apple documentation and correctly set up the provisionin…